Things Groovz The Game Guy finds interesting

My Banners
xbox banner
wii banner
gamecube banner
nes controller
windows xp
Interesting Ads

These are ads i found interesting. You can find them on for the squid game one)(they are just pictures and dont work as ads)

rugrats ad
sims ad
squid game games ad
ad for a... pokemon web browser???

apperently in the year 2000, nintendo partnered with a company called something like Media Connections to make a web browser to promote Pokemon Gold and Silver. However Media Connections went bankrupt in 2001, and the downloads for the browser went down. also the wayback machine dosnt have it either This might be promoting that, but it might have been a virus.
put movies on your ds?
this is probably an ad for a flash cart or something

Random Splatoon pictures

these are splatoon pictures from the old splatoon website and some from Inkipedia that i really wanted to put here i guess. i dont own them of course.

Squid turning into kid
splatoon 1 stores
splatoon wii u bundle
flipperlike feet

in the original game, if you switch through gear really fast, it takes a moment to load it and you can see their feet, which are flipperlike since you are never supposed to see them


This is an ad for a collab with tower records, but it just creates so many questions. Where is this? Is this an apartment? If it is, arent they a little young to have an apartment? Do they live in the same apartment? How do their ears work? as far as i know, there is nowhere sound can enter. Maybe there are openings that you cant see where their ears attach to their head?